The mission of the School of Computing is to support both educational and research programs to respond to the pressing computing and information technology needs of society. The School of Computing strives to instill excellence in scholarship and educate a diverse group on the theoretical, technical, social and ethical facets of the field. We cultivate diverse and strong research programs with significant impacts on our society, economy and environment. Finally, we serve the state, country, and its public and private sectors through active engagement, outreach, and direct services.
We offer three degree programs each with their own educational program and objectives. The educational objectives for the CSE and CS majors describe our graduates expected accomplishments during the first few years following graduation from the program and are similar at a high level. The CSE and CS undergraduate program educational objectives are that our alumni/ae:
- practice as computing professionals (appropriate to the description of the CSE or CS program), conducting research and/or leading, designing, developing, or maintaining projects in various technical areas;
- apply the ethical and social aspects of modern computing technology to the design, development, and usage of computing artifacts; and,
- enhance their skills and embrace new computing technologies through self-directed professional development and post-graduate training or education.
For more information, see the CSE and CS Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes.
The educational objectives for the CE major describes how the program produces graduates with skills in designing computer hardware and peripherals, and emphasizes the electrical characteristics of the computer itself. It is focused primarily on designing the computer hardware, associated core software structures and their interfaces.· Focus areas include real-time computing systems, communication and computing networks, and VLSI design/fabrication. Students in the program get a strong grounding in both computer science and electrical engineering.
The Computer Engineering undergraduate program educational objectives are that our alumni/ae:
- make technical contributions to design, development, and manufacturing in their practice of computer engineering (corresponding to the description of the Computer Engineering program given above).
- advance in their professional career.
- engage in professional development or post-graduate education to pursue flexible career paths amid future technological changes.
For more information, see the CE Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes.