Ph.D. Program
The Ph.D. program is designed to prepare students for a career in research. As such, it requires considerable self-directed study and independent research. The Ph.D. program is individually tailored to each student, requiring close cooperation between the student and his or her research adviser. Students are expected to determine their area of research during the first year of study, identifying a faculty advisor who will agree to supervise the dissertation research. (The adviser may or may not be the acting advisor assigned to the student when initially admitted to the program.)
Graduation requirements include:
- Coursework and Plan of Study Submission
- Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal and Oral Presentation.
- Ph.D. Dissertation and Defense.
- Ph.D. Publication Requirement.
- Ph.D. Qualifying Exam.
See the Graduate Forms page for plan-of-study forms, breadth requirement forms, the qualifying exam policy and related information.