CSE Course Permission Number Request
Click Here to Access the CSE Permissions Request Form
General information
Permission number requests for Computer Science & Engineering undergraduate courses are managed through this form and not by emailing faculty, advisors or the Administrative Office staff. False or misleading statements about your academic record or filling out this form more than once for the same course may disqualify your request.
You will receive notification via email with a decision on your request. For non-computing majors, review of requests will begin AFTER computing majors have had an opportunity to enroll. If approved, permission numbers will only be valid for 72 hours. New requests will not be accepted after classes start for the current semester. The only exception is to swap to an open section of a course the student is already enrolled in.
Requests to enroll in CSE Graduate Courses should be sent to the instructor via email.
Permission numbers are NOT transferrable.
Undergraduate Student
All pre-requisites and/or co-requisites for the course must be satisfied. Please see the catalog for requisite information. Priority in all CSE classes is given to Computer Science & Engineering majors, Computer Science majors, Data Science & Engineering majors, Robotics majors and Computer Engineering majors first. After that priority is given to Computer Science minors and other Engineering majors. Students not admitted to a School of Computing major are limited to enrolling in no more than 9 credits of 3000 and 4000-level coursework offered by CSE. Coursework at the 1000 and 2000-level are not counted toward the 9-credit limit.
Graduate Student
All pre-requisites and/or co-requisites for the course must be satisfied. Please see the catalog for requisite information. Priority in all CSE classes is given to Computer Science & Engineering majors, Data Science MS majors, and Master of Engineering students in the Computer Science & Engineering or Data Science concentrations. Students not admitted to a CSE, MSDS or MENG degree track are limited to enrolling in no more than 9 credits of coursework offered by CSE.
International & Domestic Exchange Student
Students must upload a pdf version of their official academic record in English to the request form. Failure to do so will result in the inability of your permission number request to be reviewed. Additional information like a syllabus of a particular course may be requested. Students must have the necessary pre-requisites for each requested course. Please consult our university catalog for a list of course pre-requisites. Exchange students who are documented Computer Science & Engineering majors at their home institution can request permission to enroll in any CSE class at UConn. Exchange students who are not Computer Science & Engineering majors at their home institutions are limited to requesting permission for CSE 1010 only.
Non-Degree Student
All CSE classes require that a student have completed all of the pre-requisites or their equivalents (listed in the University of Connecticut undergraduate catalog) at their current institution. Students must upload a copy of an unofficial transcript from the institution in which they are seeking a degree to the request form. Permission is only granted when space is available in the class 3 weeks prior to the start of the semester.